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NEW 59 Vigor Barbarian Feels Like Cheating Dark and Darker

Gonzo_536: 1400 HEALTH?!? What?!!

LeeLee94TV: My mans really said "We have a decent chunk of health" ... 1400hp is crazy lmao ggs

awskater5899: The fuck is health being 1k?

Neopopulist: 1400 health is a visual bug. His actual health is 220, WHICH IS STILL INSANE!

grandpalouie6420: holy shit he found a new word instead of broken!!!

beepboopbeepboopbeepboopbeep: I feel like a bunch of people don't get when you're being sarcastic and it's hilarious

Lipzyncable: why does it say you have 1453 health??????

2010thurley: Day 79- Play Wizard!

MrGetThisWok: for everyone wondering... the health is a visual bug only... cant go in game with that much health.

quiltfps: 3 views 1 min bro fell off

milanmottl8983: The last guy is definitely cheating. First he shot the fireball into the door even before he saw you and he was pretty far, footsteps would not be that clear. The second thing is in the middle room he did like 180 turn but turned but while in he was in the air you can see he is aiming exactly at your head the whole time when he was jumping. Like eyes to eyes. Normally players swirl or or just aim little too much up or down but he didn't. He was aiming like a robot.

BTW I know what I'm talking about. If you never used cheats you might not see the signs but if you have any experience with that you just can't unsee it.

Aug 09 2024

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