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Most Unluckiest Game in Dark and Darker

4ri0n: bro even predicted that someone might steal portals but barb tried to punch him 7 times

MrGodPowered: Aint no way the barb blames you guys when he was left on guard duty THEN fails the first jump which was the difference of him living and dying lmao

dodom9671: the 5 "yo i can split the profits" met with complete utter silence is what really got me

TheDazedCS: barbs fault for messing around when warned there was another player that could steal exit

shauaquasolaris1471: u warned him and he failed to stand watch, it's not your fault he died xD

dotalikeaboss: naaah mann, thats his fault 100%, messing around when there was a player lurking

jamestill5036: the silence at the end and the uncontrolable giggling has happened to many of us its funny capturing it, we've all been there , Great vid. A true DnD experience all for the sweet ruby silver ore . ! kit vs 5 ore , BIG profit!!!

Tricoexe1: I knew right away what game it was when I saw the title

spongy936: playing with a bunch of sellers

impeccabledeezy: bro this man y4mi has to igl for his LIFE u need new teammates man

embodimentofgreatness5514: most unluckiest? son what school you go to

Jul 11 2024

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