2010thurley: Day 83- Play Wizard!
ynwa6ucls: sticking to the most broken title even when defending himself from cheating accusations gotta respect it
imtherealfish6146: Ive been a day 1 sub of Wilson, literally from his first video. and i can safely say he is a full blown timmy lol. No good player is taking his dumb accusations seriously. Everyone still loves Dimo
mcbreezy8170: He basically admits hes bad at game and is astonished by basic game skills lol its so strange
recommend3124: dope wideo. like if you want dimo to get a legit cpu rig and stop laptop gaming.
EEmanss: I laughed asf when he didn't understand why u used green bandage
lky1399: This guy Wilson is actually the “he’s on Reddit after that” meme
rinnnnz: このウィルソンという方はディモさんの上手さに嫉妬するがあまりチート疑惑をかける行為に走りました。とても浅はかで愚かな行為です。
alfiesparrow5859: Accusing Dimo of cheating because hes experienced is not right and then making his fan base all turn on him from false accusations is not fair.
Itz_Krazy: Wilson thinks he's the anti-cheat
ronbeats1705: Bros just salty he suck… Dimo start streaming
fanglei: buying a 4050 laptop is a fucking crime, that is what you need to be witchhuntted over.
petitionForHeeHaw: Wilson should rename his video to "Dimo is so much better at DaD than me, I literally can't believe it"
Igwi: Dude, my humble opinion. Just stop doing analysis of analysis of your videos, just shoot a stream from a webcam that will be aimed at your hands and play a couple of games with commentary.
kykon50: "There's a weird shift in the aimer" :'D No way bro. Willy's either illiterate or is just simply a Timmy.
itzdrdabber2115: "its really weird to have this many awesome moments happen" that's what happens when you're not a 2000 hour timmy wilson
Tytus1984: Had the pleasure of running into Dimo a couple times last wipe in GC shortly after I discovered his channel. Super nice guy, doesn't deserve these accusations and negative attention. I honestly feel bad for Wilson. He noticed a couple oddities in Dimo's play and is now so deep down the rabbit hole trying to prove Dimo is a cheater.
RustProofHippo: I think Wilson is used to playing very methodically and calculated, usually with a character arc in mind. so when he sees inconsistency in others gameplay it looks odd to him. But Dimo is just sending it and reacting to the environment each time. Nothing malicious here, just an over eager creator getting ahead of himself and not realising how clingy people are to accusations lmao
Aug 14 2024