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Luck Does Nothing... Dark and Darker Bug

Isaax: >It multiplies the chances of everything

"And if everyone's super... no one is."

jardaro8679: Ain't no way i was running a 350 luck build to farm troll pelts

HoneyBadgerVideos: i don't like how they made luck work in this game.

It's deceptive and straight up detrimental for most use cases.


sortofcephalopod8972: Man I almost wished I didn't see this, I thought I was making more money long term by investing in a luck pot before every HR run :(

bdaniel1202: I am selling all my luck items now

allistairlicorice310: Lol what a hilarious oversight

itsBenjamon: It's not a bug, it's just a bad system. attaching the gold coin drops to gray, white, and green luck grades was something the devs did to make luck better for getting skull keys. They are perfectly aware how the system works, they designed it to be this way. But yeah, I agree it's bad.

thatguy4974: there goes my luck set no wonder i barely get epic on my luck runs

jordankotyluk4448: Instant like 20 sec in due to OSRS music. Oh yeah, the dark and darker video was pretty cool too. Edit: Yo would you be able to put in the description what OSRS songs you use? Asking for a friend, thanks!

Cujo-pg8vj: Thanks I guess

manttertv: Like you said don’t forget the pile after cyclop / troll so if you want AP to rank up it’s still worth getting a luck potion even if you miss out on a few pelts

Jul 08 2024

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