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LONGSWORD Warlock is INSANE Dark and Darker

SyperDT: Welcome to the dark side. Longsword fighter is weak, Longsword Warlock is strength.

bladeRoller: I fucking KNEW IT! I'm running warlock with curses for life gain and heavy armor and shadow touch and it's been great with longsword.

notakai_exe: that fight with the timmy fighter popping sprint and couldn't catch you

MightyMeercat: I like the idea for the "purchased" item tag a lot

billistic4199: Its warlock being sdf's favorite class time my doods :P

CloudPirates_Losfer_: im so sad for cleric

hoshjarrod1718: I love the idea of purchased items being a item status, Maybe i just miss old norms but with that idea and gear score it might make the games feel more balanced to new/ returning players

cosmicfox5671: Yeah they really need to do something about the current gear and matchmaking in Normals. Games REALLY popular again, and it would be a shame to see it get brought in the dumps by people on fresh characters in full purple/legendary gear dunking on people with 30 gear score.

Ottakazi: I want them to add an ability like blow of corruption except you CHOOSE which curse is applied when you make a melee attack. Building full curse of pain and then having an ability for like 7 seconds your melees apply curse of pain would be so dope and feel less clunky when trying to play melee lock

brylythhighlights4335: How do you do the followup on the riposte attack?

I know you hit M2 to riposte but then you combo out another swing somehow? o.o

pandamoniumsan: solo self founders rollin into normals spawn rushing timmy would stil be an issue lol, how about if you go over 200 gs you show up on the map ? would be goofy at the least everyone running away or toward one guy

Jun 21 2024

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