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Longbow Does TOO Much Damage in Dark and Darker

partychip: "thats gonna be hard for you no?"

DnDimo: Knowledge Agility Dexterity

connorbramlage2479: Keep the bloopers coming at the end man. Love not only knowing you’re slaying but you suffer like the rest of us sometimes

thelonetubernomad2346: Yet another yami banger

blacstar101: I was the warlock in the first clip and that trap caught my team mate. absolutely insane that every team in the game was in that corner in the first minute and a half of the game lol. GG's Yami.

SealyGamingYT: yami's LONG bow does too much damage in dark and darker

chodestrokker8326: my favorite asian !!!!!!!!!!!!

301andrew: shit if shordy not 40 str 40 vig i dont want her

Brotection_: Y4mi doesn't want a girl more muscular than him? What happened to "mommy?"? Hmm? What happened Y4mi? I feel like I don't even know you anymore!

Jul 31 2024

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