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Lets Talk About The Current State of Dark and Darker

partychip: Love these types of videos Lorr W Journalism

SqueakyFrank: Marketplace is the sweetest poison the game ever got.

justpeachyowo871: This is so true! My motivation dropped so hard when my stash became worthless! This was my best season of loot and pvp and in an instant its gone! I wasn't even able to get the dumb skin too! Ironmace needs some real help.. thanks lorr for keeping it real!

aeperez94: continuous dungeons arent the problem, the problem is joining the same lobby you left.... i dont get it how they cant just fix that problem. you just need to make it so they cant join the same lobby they left/died in. continuous dungeons are great for filling lobbies with people!! . i agree on religion system tho its complete trash they can just remove it. i think they should add an SSF mode to this game. In Path of Exile some people enjoy market, and some people enjoy SSF

CongaPenguin: I disagree with the idea that the marketplace makes the game less meaningful. Marketplace has made it to where I can consistently experience the game while actually being able to have stats and play at a higher level more often. Before it was much more gate kept to playtime because most people don’t have the time to grind the dungeon for that perfectly rolled item to run while building good kits. I think the game right now is the best it has ever been with how much there is to do in a wipe to work towards, and most streamers have a skewed view because they are able to experience all there is to wipe well ahead of the average player and feel left with nothing to strive towards

philiposborne2713: I felt like the addition of arena and needing to find the loot to keep it was the best thing at the game at the time. Im not sure if that is still the case in arena, but i remember thinking that i had to do a lot more in the dungeon just to loot up for arena. The gem system is also been pretty cool becuase it incentivizes people to loot.

ddpadav: After watching this game's development since the beginning, I can say with confidence that while this team has good intentions, there's no world where they can finish this product. They don't know where they're going with the game, and every moment that they hesitate or make a half-assed decision they've lost a percentage of their player base. It'll probably take the developmental power of a AAA studio to fully realize a game like dark and darker, but at the same time that'll come with its own negatives. I think dark and darker was a good concept demonstration for a future studio that may decide to pick up where ironmace left off, but I don't think ironmace will be the one to do the concept it's full justice. This game was fun at the start because it was something new, but that honeymoon phase is now over and they can't finish the game.

jaredskiwski4148: No marketplace has got to be the WORST take I have ever heard. Remembering the no marketplace days makes me wanna die. Love @thelorr but that has got to be the worst take. What is the point of getting crazy gear and it being really really hard to sell/move??

Squawksx: Marketplace is whatever. I'd like a SSF mode. Looting becomes important, people can't wallet check you with marketplace, games feel more intense when you know you are using your only purple weapon, etc. Imagine the dopamine hit of looting your first weapon upgrade on an SSF wipe. Would be cool for it to even be a end of wipe gamemode. Please no more multiclass, I beg.

Also I miss being able to clear a lobby and having the next floor to myself. Continuous dungeon feels like making it to the last circle on PUBG and suddenly 5 new fully kitted players load in. Kinda wack

marcusc2947: While continuous dungeons helped make the dungeons feel more alive for me but there is no restrictions on anything, people can join the same match, blues & reds open right away & everyone is bee-lining towards them instantly . It’s less organic pvp and more 3rd party central .

I wish they just listened more, hard to be a dark and darker fan right now.

Big thank you to thelorr for keeping the content coming and keeping me entertained, I genuinely look forward to your YouTube videos. (Stream earlier so I can catch them more)

desolate171: about a month ago i broke the shackles off and haven't looked back. its been amazing

icejoe6534: The current state of the game is this - SDF has way too much control over EVERYTHING and thats why nothing gets added or changed or done in a timely manner but SDF wants to touch and control and do everything. and he cant communicate because he does 1 thing then gets distracted and does something else and on top of all that he doesnt understand balance and doesnt even know what he wants and thats why he FLIP FLOPS literally HUNDREDS of times. The main community pillars of this game need to stop trying to be "nice" and get on SDF's ass. If you and SoBadStrange and Jay and Repoze and Ken etc etc all get together and start CALLING OUT SDF and ironmace then maybe well get results - but until then nothing will get SDF to change.

AdroitTheory: It is pretty wild that they've completely annihilated the economy in the middle of the season 3 wipes in a row. The devs are absolutely miserable at communication and even when they do talk to us it's in a patronizing way or just vague "returning to original vision". How is bunny hopping still in the game? Why is it so difficult for them to patch it out? Where are the quivers? Why are we getting randomized dungeons instead of basic utilities? Why can you get the WRONG RARITY OF PLANT that doesn't work in crafting recipes???

ukotaa: So, it's basically it:

1) Continuous dungeon, True, it need revisiting atleast, reduce connection time to 1 minute into dungeon and ban same player id to reconnect

2) Religion system issues, yeap, undercooked

3) Market 'issue', L take honestly. Removal of market will create natural hotspots to farm loot, which will be infested with sweats and nolifers, just like boss rooms. Only good for content, but not for average player

4) Communication with players, naaah man, majority of feedbacks I saw - "nerf all except my class" sh1tshow

ph03nixflame: i'm down to watch whatever game you play dude. a fire creator is a fire creator

asmrbyshimmer: Sometimes I think the biggest issue is that SDF isn’t developing a game for the public. He’s developing his ideal game, but he clearly doesn’t understand some of the mechanics that go into making a game successful.

Road maps, clear communication, utilizing a Test Server, having a spine, etc. Like, how can everyone admit Druid is a problem and then we get a Panther PDR buff? How can we see evidence of the Panther hitbox being shit for a year and it still is?

The road map is the part that kills me the most. That alone would not only keep them on track but also keep us aware of things. But I also fully agree about half baked systems. Religion should not be in the game period as it’s been a failure in both iterations.

Game of immense potential, getting squandered with easy misses.

CurseSeer: Continuous dungeons in a game with maps this small was a horrible idea

indigodnd: I haven’t played in about 6 months and coming back to see the game like this is kinda heartbreaking

rainbowdashIBP: Accidentally qued into a duo goblin caves, met a new player, and he asked me why I’m not opening every chest. Well fuck I used to before the market place

elijah2118: I agree 1000%.

The way the devs make the dungeon out to be is supposed to present a challenge and a sort of "adventure" mentality.

It's supposed to mean something, and with the marketplace being like how it is, buying your way to the top seems ridiculous to me.

The game would inherently breed more creative plays and meaningful experiences if the marketplace weren't there, but alas...




tylerk4957: Dont remove trade, i dont miss sitting and arguing with third worlders trying to scam me for 100 gold

tentakler_: Ironmace должна убрать sdf и начать сборы денег, чтобы погасить долги. Откатить игру до 6.9 по балансу и вернуть хардкорномть. Игра невероятно казуальна сейчас с мертвым ядром

DrewTheRotund: I just miss the time when good gear felt special.

Back when crafted gear was rare to come across, and when extracting was so much more difficult due to the fact you were required

dogcreature1118: A small thing I dislike is that on this wipe as a 2000 hour player I got the most escapes early on out of any wipe, and how does ironmace reward me? Capping the blueshard system so you can only get 5, so 1 skin and maybe and emote every wipe :) The funny thing is that before they capped it, it was hard to get over 7 shards in one wipe because the amounts of escapes needed doubles per level. But I think it is still lame to just cap it, the only idea I have to to get more players to buy redstones. They added 1.5x blueshard xp then the next wipe they cap the amount so most regular player will hit the cap in a month or two, silly ironmace. Now I gotta wait 3-4 months to get Dark elf and they prob gonna add another skin by then too, my fault my silly 200-300 hour ass loved emotes when there was like 3 skins. A very low priority "fix" but still something that brought some of the fun out of grinding the game. just logged in the game to make sure I'm not schizo and yep, you can only get 5 bluestone shards in a wipe and the newer skins cost 6 bluestones (dark elf / felidian) rip f2p :/

KingAvantius: man honestly the game is great atm ..marketplace should always be there cause before having to loot for amazing things had me addicted and i dont like having a chain around my ankle for a game.... most ppl cant play as much as these content creators so its important that we can make a even playing feild and be able to buy juiced kits to compete ....having to go loot amazing items is for arena anyways that way you dont lose it. ..speaking of arena they should have a couple modes some where u can go in with bought items and fight for those and a lobby how it is now like they need to make a 1v1 collasium type to gamble ur loot for a fight ...idk i love this game its got potential wish there was a league so we can compete ....sincerely ThaSpellMastaYaDig

erebchaos3266: Kinda agree, but in the balance I started to notice one strange thing: most classes in DaD are playable in the ways these classes are NOT meant to be played. Rogues shouldn't be tanky, wizards shouldn't be tanky, barbarians shouldn't have supersonic speed. Warlocks? They are tanky now, have ridiculous amout of MS and hit like a truck. Druids...tough question.

Mar 10 2025

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