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Im Done Making Dark and Darker Videos

CocoMura: The dark gets darker

WilsonsGame: Dam, the effort was certainly there... I wish you luck. The work-life-game-content balance is extremely difficult. I couldn't believe when I originally had 1000 subs. Oh the good times I had. Cheers,

RealSoonifer: You make the best informative Dark and Darker videos, thank you very much for all the time and effort you put in those videos! I really hope youtube looks into the matter and reverses their decision because you provide so much for the DnD community.

GaramondLive: Damn, the community will miss you. You're one of a few d&d creators who actually tries to make the community better and isn't an asshole. You're also like a really chill and nice person who is genuinely kind to other human beings (no dark and darker player ever). Thank you for your service, good luck in whatever it is you do next!

austinknips4034: I’m sorry to hear that goat, your content was very helpful as a min max demon!

DamaDojo1: this needs to go to a higher up.

Surxe: Will miss your videos!


The wiki team

primozimo3041: We love you.

We hate YT.

mariocorujeira3675: someone tag onepeg in here, this needs to be seen by a lot of people and talked about

M4XIMU: You were one of the best content creators Ive ever seen.

tekatahk8056: its been awesome and its sad to see you go. you were one of the few positive content creators for this great game and the best educational one.

Zach24k: As someone who has had their monetization "Stripped" from them due to some underlying problems I never dealt with within youtube; The effort and time it takes to create content WHILE trying to maintain a family, Bills, a 9-5, all the while pumping out quality content, This is completely understandable and Respectable. Your REAL life comes first, then Hobbies. Yes, Content creation is a HOBBY until it is able to do all said things above; and really once that one thing ALL creators strive to grind for and work for is completely out of reach because of youtubes shitty automated monetization system it absolutely kills your grind mindset. Thank you Barbooian for providing quality content while you were, thanks for the amazing streams, and hopefully even without content, Your viewers and supporters will still run into you in the Dungeons of Dark and Darker, Talk to you on discord, and maintain this community you have built. I completely relate to what you're going through and it does suck, but its youtubes fault and not yours, you couldn't have done anything better then you did :)

ICromi: Love your content, very straight to the point, and really educative, hope to see you back soon!

Picklemayne: NO! I just started getting into the content! I believe in you!

Retrolizer: Ez workaround: make a second channel, link us to it, and send the id for that one. 9/10 chance this works

rawdogtavstv: way to tell everyone your only in it for the money bye!

attilaberdy9728: Thank you so much for your videos and the effort you put into them! Hopefully this gets resolved if not, im still gratefull!

mwubi: Barbooian gonna be the library of knowledge.

Regulated907: faced you many times and i remember seeing one of your first videos! remember seeing the barbooian name a few times after that. youre one of the best people that the community has had as far as informative videos factual mixed with good insight/opinion and if this game had any real success, youd be killing it but ggs!

itsStealthi: I hope will be resolved!

rivertonrock: Hope it’s resolved soon. We love your content!

igmaster28: Loved your vids, hope u come back xoxo

Ky_Ky_Ky: much love. your contribution to the community is creme de la creme. best knowledge wellspring there is for the dark dungeons. I hope it all works out.

theboyofmayo: damn bad time for me to find the channel, gl

kostadindurchov5507: Sue

dannywolfblood3704: First video I've seen from this channel. I hope you can get it fixed so you can post again.

Feb 28 2025

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