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im cheating Dark and Darker

eyesllud: Activate windows

pacotacos1234: that guys reaction to your accent had me weak af

Zaustyy: I lost it when you started talking to that guy in that Asian accent and he said “god”

basicallyresearchanddevelo2697: This whole bunny hopping and quick swapping bullshit needs to go

bobakogli3987: what is the kemchi thing hes talking about?

IronicDolphin: Jay instantly started talkin abt Kimchi like 30 min after saying that lmao

mediandirt: Like this comment if you enjoy seeing Jay winning more than Jay losing.

MrZami916: the barb slumping into the darkness after dying to the mob made me laugh way harder than it should have.

DunkSkunk: I'm with you, delete the whole game

julius6023: “God.”

thedoke: Bro you good? You coughing hard when you laugh

joshuacortez6681: Take this game offline for like two months we all need a break

TheGriff130: Bro those headshots through the window holy hold that moment.

Nice gaming boy

LA-hx7iy: Good lord US servers are so different to Europe. No one voips and it’s immediate fight to the death on sight.

poisonddogpoisonddog6212: So this is why I’ve been seeing a massive surge in rouges. THANKS JAY.

thedirtytexan: That last fight was wild!

wizkeyjack: You encountered one of the Holy Bridge Knights of Na-Na-Nah!

desolate171: the way he doesn’t activate windows had ssooooooo much aura

MooshroomBrosGaming: I built a 75% mdr set and tried to play solos, ran into rogue after rogue, and just decided to leave because its just not worth it. I spectate and see 6 rogues and a druid. Thats it. The game is always in the worst state when everyone is playing rogue

lnsatiabie4364: man they really gotta fix the druid footstep after they die in animal form

indraneelphukan5906: Jays 3s have been incredibly rusty.

Feb 12 2025

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