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I Found the BEST Money Maker 7,000 Gold Per Hour Dark and Darker

mitrakasg8519: I die to the first mob i see in inferno and bro just goes there and clears the boss

ArtOfLuuv: Saw a base gear warlock solo the ghost king yesterday after I died to an axeman lmao. He did it, but it took him the entire lobby time. He got out with 2m left, thoroughly impressed; wish I caught his name.

eldritch4470: i always say i want to do this but then i find myself with so many good items and ap i just leave lol

PopalQc: After trying multiple times to solo bosses, I'll tell you that ghost king is the easiest for any classes, but cleric is the best one because of his high damage output, free heals and protection from evil perk which makes the fight a walk in the park. As soon as you learn all his attack patterns he is really easy to fight, one of the bigger things to consider while fighting him is to try and play close to the pools he sets in the arena so whenever he teleports to you, he leaves all the pools in a concentrated area instead of all over the arena.

I've gotten so far 3 goldkeys and 1 skull key from farming him in normals and a couple of cursed crowns which I have no idea what they do yet

Grimdarkog: Thanks for the guide!

sarolha: Great video!

I don't have DnD purchased yet, but I'll certainly try to replicate this in regular DG.

When you can, make a video talking about how to use high ground to kill mobs, and how to use the invisibility potion effectively!

loveless9349: I could watch ppl kill bosses and loot inferno and just yap about nothing for hours. Imagine if Northernlion was good at the game.

johnnymartinez1923: Can you post a video of all the cheese spots in the crypt? Would be really sueful

neal520: Doing all this when you could just be mining ore on goblin caves

FreedomAtlastofficial: As a seasoned barb player ape-ing the absolute shit out of solo lobbies I’ll say tracking players isn’t that difficult//not everyone running you down is wall hacking. Closing doors is a good start in throwing me off your scent, but you leave a trail when you kill mobs that’s easy to follow hehe.

Jul 07 2024

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