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Mikewest-kz6zl: Respect for fighting the kumas PDR fighter. Was a hell of a try brother.

bingus8873: Don't call them hackers, it gives them so much more credit than they're worth. They are cheaters, all they did was bought expensive software

BornToKill780: The lorr speaking for the people. Hopefully they can a real anticheat going and eventually solo self found. Also there needs to b more options to b able to resist magic damage and hp needs to go up

joshdubik3198: Don’t even have to watch the video I already know its a knockback ranger with triple shot and survival bow

ripsy: i 100% agree, the marketplace should be remove. No one does zero to hero anymore, just get gold and buy gear. kind of lame

ripsy: They should add an option when you create your character, so you can select Standard/Solo Self Found/Hardcore etc. i know this will dilute the player-base more but it might show them the direction the players want to play, for example SSF = no marketplace, Hardcore = no stash etc

Sebastian-mr1ik: i miss when vendors were stacked, and you could put together a pretty good kit every game for cheap

s-pe7yf: thanks for the content ur the best fighter fs way better than that dumfather guy

spiffffffffff: I encounter hackers often without a doubt. People with ESP behave totally differently as they get close to you. I play solo in the duo lobby sometimes and you can really tell in there, the ESP duo will beeline to every solo on the map.

saiko1271: New wipe update leaks are cool spell casters getting screwed magical damage is getting toned down

acelast8636: It's interesting that you mentioned reworking the ranger. Everyone is familiar with "the class that's good with ranged attacks" especially due to the influence of MMORPGs, but in the tabletop RPGs the Ranger gains Fighting Style which enhances a weapon group of your choosing. There is Archery, Two-Handed, Dual Wield, and Weapon Plus Shield. Rangers can even cast a little bit of low-level magic to debuff, support, and heal. They also have Favored Terrain which gives them a bonus to their success rolls when using skills and lets them ignore hazardous terrain but only if they happen to be in the environment zone that they picked.

I understand that people are upset about the rock-paper-scissors class theory when going solos. But what do you expect, for every single class to have a "get out of jail free" ability? For everyone to hide and only fight when they have the advantage? Every class is meant to have a weakness and it should be up to the player to work around it. That's how it SHOULD be. The main issues with dad are ranged spam, low TTK, and third-partying. If everyone is trying to play like a ranger instead of their own class, then do you really need the ranger the way it is now? Until the devs rework gear discrepancy, health pool and damage (someone suggested increasing health), and trying to undo the ranged meta, the game isn't going to be as fun as it the potential it once had.

Jun 02 2024

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