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Fighter Sprint Got BUFFED!! Dark and Darker Solo PVP

Mathilda-nr5fj: can we start a petition to get the outdoor map back?

skylerstapleton8468: They need to add 4 man groups, because until then as far as I'm concerned, the devs want us to team considering they have a boss that requires 4 people to activate

skylermeade: Arena would be so healthy for the game, the pvp practice would be so nice. keep it so the current game loop is still there, but simply add an arena mode that would require bringing in gear, and add gear score brackets (brackets work, if unlike iron mace, you add more than 2). It would be cool to still dungeon dive, but then bring that loot to some surface coliseum and duke it out, winner takes all.

bloodyboo3351: Love the game but the pacing feels so crappy, look at most solo fights and its easy to see why everything feels so jank and the metas are the way they are.

despicabletaylor: That Wilhelm scream useage was perfect

kikyska4813: After doing the solo boss challenge which class do you think is the hardest to pve (bossing included)?

erich1380: Its your code to have to fight everyone you see? What kinda shit is that lol

jordankotyluk4448: Once again, great OSRS music! Dark and darker is cool too

NottDuque: Ayo why is sparkys mini throwing it back

ethanhadden8347: as a melee warlock, i totally recommend it for anyone wanting to try something new. super forgiving as you have infinite heals to practice on mobs, you can wear plate, and there are so many physical damage buffs that get ignored by most warlocks. curse of weakness before going in with boc bloodstained longsword is insane. eldrich shield and power of sac before going in with longsword is even better. mix and match and have fun

Jul 05 2024

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