shumatsuplaran7251: The build doesn't even matter at that point lol. Strapping 20 free damage to literally any weapon in the game is op.
JonYugen: The wonders of fighting a Druid, so fun
TheVersacePython: What's up with the Graphic settings Dimo haha
puffinthemuffin4611: sometimes i think dimo is a new player who just has a big mouth, dude his ass at this game
sylverleroy3533: Ty for the wideo Dimo love from France
MidevalGaming: What's the bhop tech that you doing to move full speed backwards?
Onthebean: The wisp eating ur trolls blood
grubbyboi7003: Druid nerf didn't even really nerf them to bad.
paxconsciente3352: You should sue the random guy who made videos claiming you were cheating, its defamation. Your vids used to get a lot more views before that.
fawn1l: Bros trolls blood got deleted
gladlawson61: Anything with 50 anything is op.
Kuku_Troll: Change the titel to 100k gold kit
Jan 28 2025