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Dungeonborne or Dark and Darker Which game is really better?

davielias829: Dungeonborne is dark and darker for kids

averyyeen: dark and darker from temu

snayck4450: dungeonborne looks and feels like a mobile game port to me. It's not a bad game it's just hard to really compare it to DnD. it reminds me of how dark and darker mobile looks

EskilBagge: The real winners are the players. This makes the devs have to be on there a game to stay on top

dino_nuggets7134: MY husband makes me play this game and i absolutely hate every minute of it

mckenne1: Dark and darker. Your welcome

Isaax: It is with a passion that I despise the mobile game vibes that Dungeonborne gives off. Everything has this cheap, bouncy feel to it, but not in a good way. It feels like every other basically eastern mobile game designed to print money. Repulsive

icestuffgaming1444: Dungeonborne was created during the DaD lawsuit simply to capitalise on the popularity of dark and darker. Some assets such as the cyclops were straight up copied from dark and darker, this is extremely messed up considering dark and darker was made by an upcoming studio which hands were already tied with a lawsuit from a massive studio. Dungeonborne feels like a cheap low polished game that was simply made as a cash grab, while when playing dark and darker you can clearly experience the love and effort that the devs put into creating the game

Isaax: Oh man it feels so weird seeing THE Cyclops straight up 1:1 in Dungeonborne, I can't believe it. I presume it's just an UE5 asset so it makes sense, but... eugh

Goodgu3963: I think the problem with dungeonborne boils down to this: Dungeonborne is trying to be dark and darker. They aren't trying to make their own unique game in a similar genre with similar mechanics, they're trying to make DaD. They created it when dark and darker wasn't on steam, to try and profit off of that gap in the market. They use the same assets in the same way as dark and darker. Everything they have done besides some minor QOL stuff has been a step or two behind as their devs have to see how it works in dark and darker, then figure out how to duplicate it in DB. These are not the actions of a studio that knows how to make a good game on their own without copying someone else's. These aren't the actions of a studio that cares about whether they are blatantly stealing someone else's ideas or work. These are the actions of a corporation that saw an opportunity to profit off of someone else's misfortune in the cheapest, easiest, and lowest risk way possible. It doesn't matter whether you like the game, because it will only exist while it remains extremely cheap, and better at milking money from whales than the next thing tencent can come up with.

twoheadedvenus8349: Competition for Dark and Darker is good at any rate, healthy for the game

xd_cyrus8350: just play the game you enjoy, guys, objective ratings mean nothing if your having fun, i have 2k hours in dark and darker, i enjoy the game, but ive been recently having fun with dungeonborne, so just play the game thats most fun to you. objectively and imo dark and darker is better, but that doesn't mean you cant have fun with a different game.

Prushbinger: it ain't even a question, dark and darker is miles ahead

weresasquatch3647: One of my favorite audio changes is when they changed the sound of breaking clay pots.

I love breaking pots now, sounds so sexy

Aug 18 2024

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