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Double Jump Rogue is Actually Broken in Dark and Darker

charlieclark2293: Careful WilsonsGames don't see this video O.O

Freezingrize: Always a good day when Y4mi uploads

Odyssey636: Y4mi having 500000 hours and still almost dies to nightmare goblin mage every time when all u do is walk in circles around it

mybadlight: y4mi let me edit you PLEASE good sir

MakivPoli5592: 0 views but 4 likes? Yami is ascending youtube

bruhamongus6502: Y4MI carful you gotta play worse or wilson might make an absolutely shit vid calling you a hacker.

user-bj6gr8kk4k: Damn, another youtuber is clearly hacking in the first seconds of the video, acting like he didn't spot him using wall hack (he cuted it out), and acted so good that he almost actually died to him, good acting skills bruv. And those 180° with crossbow, clearly aimhack. Can't wait for Wilsons to do a video about him too..... (Don't spread aggression on him though, I might be wrong)

Aug 14 2024

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