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Wulfrim: Poor timmies, they see an insane demon with a longsword running at them and they lose the will to fight

baconnator179: There is bug with plate armor. You need to unequip and re equip.

You need to do this if you also go deeper on Crypt and Ice Cavern

sparkycj9930: Built a 5k kit for this, with 10 stacks and bard buffs im 240hp, 72% pdr hitting 85 w kris. Tldr completely broken 100% nerfed within days.

AnTiGuY100: im expecting this to be completely removed, clearly wasnt tested at all, ive had horrendous experiences vsing a demon while i had full purple plate armour, 160hp and a purple falchion and he had base gear and a blue crystal sword, i headshot him 8 times

UrSisterIsMine: bro foxman im in ur game, i been watching u for so long i even watched this video, 5 hours later i meet u in the pregame. im shaking rn but i hope we fight well. day 1 og wizard ytber

Starkii__: yOOoo

DankManPlays: If they start running, put your weapon away and start casting dark bolts at their head

jonastiragosto: Hey man, out of all the DnD creators i watch you are the only one i see jumping 2 times while casting... and it seems like you mantain momentum. How do you do this? When i jump twice while casting i lose all speed

itsukisenpai4941: Btw demon heal only works with bare hands not your weapon

koobz4ever: Stopped playing until this and the drain life change is reverted

Jun 24 2024

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