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Dark and Darkers sole competitor is also making a Druid

DelveDweller: As someone who played Dungeonborne extensively, I do agree the combat is still clunky a bit underwhelming. However, theres a lot that Ironmace can learn from its competitor already:

1) Intuitive Lobby UI that is easy to use and navigate as well as perform actions in

2) They had a functional market before DaD and I still believe it was better implemented in Dungeonborne

3) Gem crafting

4) Way better communication - dedicated CM force, specific channels for announcements/events that were respected and used (no diving into general chat or having to follow a specific streamer to know what the heck is going on), community events with tangible rewards (steam gift cards etc), quests and new player systems

5) While considered less hardcore, it also brought in a lot more ppl that were turned off from DaD

6) larger, more creative map design

7) Functioning Arena with no gear loss that was on a timer to affect the playerbase less.

8) Proper marketing strategies - trailers, events, community participation, being part of a Fest

9) stat thresholds opening up new abilities/possibilities for classes

10) easily identifiable gear as you upgrade when looking at someone (no inspecting needed)

and there's probably more im forgetting

thiskid1244: They can rip it off as much as they like, it’s still an overwatch version of dark and darker. A Chinese rip off if you will.

Streamfordmg: I loved DB personally. It was a ton of fun to play. I have over 2k hours in DaD and playing dungeonborne was different for sure but still, for a play test, I think they are heading in the right direction.

nydaarius6845: A competitor can copy/paste as much from the original as it wants.

If it succeeds or not, depends on whether they make the OG experience even better and iron out it's flaws, or if it brings fresh wind in form of new ideas.

I don't see dungeonborne doing that.

Despite DaD's minor flaws like clunky UI/Lobby for example, i have a major concern with DaD.

The Maps.

Usually i prefer handcrafted maps over procedurally generated ones.

Not so for DaD.

In the playtests, when everyone was new to the game, it was much more fun.

Nowadays people find the perfect built and current meta within a day and share them with the community. This cannot be prevented and that's okay.

But having lionhead chests, bosses, etc always in the same location takes away the tension and exploration out of the game.

DaD's gridroom system would be perfect for procedural generation. resulting in much more fun and fairness for everyone.

they wanted a DnD-like dungeon crawl experience. but DnD isn't fun if you play the same 3 prebuilt adventures for years.

But maybe that's just me.

Axel-vt8no: I think calling it a "knock-off" at this point is a little disingenuous. They've obviously continued working on the game, and it's distinct enough to merit a little more respect in my opinion. I haven't played it, but from what you've shown in your video.. It looks like it's coming along nicely. The graphics look nice, and the monsters seem well-animated. I think I'll play next playtest (whenever that is).

Swoots275: There was also a game called Greed is Good. It was an asset flip, don't get me wrong. It reeked of a rugpull and that's what they eventually did, shortly after being released. The thing is that the game was actually pretty good and fun. I'm not saying this is going to be the same, but it's likely.

JonnyMortal: They got ahold of the clips!

nalicore2129: Imo dangeonborne test was really fun.

hattorikenji7640: 18 second gang

thiskid1244: Also hi bb girl, how’s my favorite parasocial relationship doing

Greatest_Lump: I am just glad I can be a proper Cleric in this game and without the need to aim like a Valorant streamer to heal someone

May 17 2024

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