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Dark And Darker Why Warlock Is The Strongest Class

AVerySadBanana: skinnypete without the red lizard skin gave me existential crisis

jimmys8205: Ok, imagine duos but you have a warlock to buff you with all of the lock spells but you play barb

keanonborn8955: I mean, pretty much the only reason this build works is because people don't expect the stat check. If people played ranged, waited out buffs, or just generally respected you, it wouldn't do nearly as much. The build is basically just an undercover barbarian.

yeayea115: Pete... using ranged attacks.. IRONMACE.. LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HIM...

pardolagames8994: How to counter Pete's Zweihander Blow of Corruption:

Step 1: Get near a pillar

Step 2: Crouch (and look down)

amigostres: Jesus, warlock is strong..

Lets nerf rouge.

yungskinnyho305: This shit is way more entertaining to watch than barb, mainly bc its original and u make it work bc of individual skill

andersonborges5377: "*This is what it would look like if I was 1v1 myself*"

Enemy barb: calmly let him get all his buffs online, hears the BoC, decides not to wait for it to end, and proceeds to headbutt the BoC instead, and still almost one shots him

Skinny Pete: Barb too weak this build too strong

nickniles5495: Does eldritch shield protect from Curse of sacrifice and bloodstained blade tick damage?

Sep 23 2024

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