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Dark and Darker

toolittletoolate: It's a shame so many people would rather just listen to the opinion they prefer then look for the truth. Buddy had a server he was told not to have, DIdn't shut it down when told to, refused to give the info over after saying they would then tried to delete the evidence. I don't care who you are that's a slam dunk.

Forestilling: Kira gets to have a huge "I told you so," moment when all he did is inform himself before talking about it. The way he presents the information and stresses how and why he reaches the conclusions he does, means anyone getting mad at him over this content is mad because they're lunatics and can't handle something they like being in trouble.

Being informed doesn't mean being right. Kira could have been wrong. But he deliberately positions himself in such a way that unless someone has information no one else had, they are unlikely to be able to counter his points. Because he draws conclusions based on the available information, and based on how things work in reality(to the best of his knowledge). Again, not perfect, not infallible, and everyone doesn't have to agree with his conclusions. But it's obvious when some people who hate him do so because they're just fucking fragile, angry, morons.

There's a reason so much of this video is restating stuff he said before. Because by not being a moron, he was just right the first time.

ski_ba: Dude Kira I am so so so glad you did not quit YouTube. You are by far my favorite content creator on YouTube and after following you for like threeish years I've realized that the journalism you do is inspiring. Thanks for being you and thanks for another banger video.

xelldincht4251: When Kira made that video summarizing all similarities between those 2 games i knew the developers of Dark & Darker were fucked

jkovsky: I said this before, but you were the only western Youtuber who actually researched Korean sources and did not cater to "lol big corporation bad" audience. Korean gamers also supported Iromace at first but tides quickly turned when more information was revealed. I don't know how you got such a good Korean informat but I respect you for this.

Awakened2001: There goes Kira again with his critical thinking and objective reasoning. How dare you sir.

lamia197: As a Korean. I think your pronunciation of our name is pretty good.

Also, yes. Those english names for our names are weird.

Also also, that criminal lawsuit is going to be sooo dense with info.

Sniperbear13: facts don't care about peoples feelings.

sweepingtime: Smaller companies need to earn everyone's respect by being moral and upstanding, not by being a small company. Otherwise small and immoral companies grow into big and immoral companies. The surprising thing to me in this story is that the legal system seemed to work for change, but then this was the Korean courts we're talking about so perhaps they still have some claim to serving justice.

avendurree: People unable to take the L these days. Like, you can love the game, hate nexon, but also admit that ironmace stole from nexon, is it that hard?

consular4038: The game isn't a masterpiece. Hard to imagine it was worth 6 million dollars to rip off someone else's garbage code

duskmare0000: You deserve this victory lap. You weren't saying anything radical but it seems you had to put up with some radicals because of it. Always nice to get a bit of vindication.

Talulah_Artorius: Bro funny thing is this has happened TWICE to nexon already, the gacha you were talking about is Blue Archive, the rip off was so blatant and bad that people were calling the "new" game "red acrhive", the only thing they changed was: the main color is now red instead of blue, the characters use katanas instead of guns, it was so blatant

mrbubbles6468: My favorite thing about this was Iron Mace thought they could do this and not get caught to a company ran by a dude that went to prison for doing the same thing.

HyJyncks: Nexon is trash, but I was genuinely glad you enlightened me on the whole truth all those months ago. Keep up the good work, man.

rosslindsey2638: Had someone telling me on a previous video that my comments agreeing with your take on this aged like milk.

What aged like milk now?

randomxgen6167: In what world can someone read "court orders company A to pay X-illion to company B in damages" and think company A won?

holdenrbest: This was the only way this could have ended, saw it from the start, while it sucks for people who love the game and studio but they obviously copied the concept and certain assets.

BrownThrasher706: And here I thought some entitled capital-G Gamers knew more about the legalities of the situation than anyone else

thelightwielder: Woah woah woah, Kira isn't Korean?

defaulted9485: There are hundreds of valid reasons to dislike Nexon.

But this is a thief vs thief scenario.

brandonnowonline6533: Here b4 Asmon's react.

AdamTheCoop1: "even if we lose we win" is the most american cope I've heard in a while

landermere654: FINALLY an update video on Dark and darker :) That's for parsing through all the legal shit to deliver this to us. It's a facinating and i'm kinda glad to see iron mace get slammed ngl. keep up the good work :)

shizanketsuga8696: To be fair, it's not quite true that people siding with Ironmace are necessarily logically inconsistent, and it doesn't follow that a legal framework allowing smaller companies to "steal" from larger ones would automatically allow the same vice versa. There are graveyards filled with abandoned projects, and a good chunk of them were abandoned because some big corporation decided to reshuffle its resources for the sake of supposedly greater profits by downsizing or chasing some trend or something to that effect. Our media landscape would be richer if indie companies could yoink those projects, complete them and take the risk the big company was evidently averse to.

Asin24: Honestly the end result is about what was expected. It was rather clear Dark and Darker was very much taken from the work done under Nexon and what the Dev did only painted what they did in a much more clear negative light the courts would judge things by. At the very least they didn't get hit by the copyright (to be fair that angle was iffy where it seemed more likely an issue if they found enough copied code) but that fine is rather harsh.

Feb 15 2025

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