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Choices MUST be made... Dark and Darker

jradplays3904: nooooo, your supposed to stay on wiz so that all your fans keep trying to play like you and they keep filling my coin bags

patrickking7115: Ken dying to two timmies is classic DaD moment!

oggieson: Get this man a real longsword arc boys

mrrager1409: duos streams with Ken are really great, Kenjamin deserves alot more recognition, dudes funny af.

vultrex1839: Play wizard without complaining challenge = impossible


kainestolkyn: That was probably the funniest perry clip I've seen so far.

roflret: Looked like you were having the most fun on bard tbh :)

oakley198: This makes me feel so much better about the Ls ive been taking recently

negative4928: The problem is when wizard is weak no one complains because the playerbase mostly wants simple melee barb or fighter. When wizard is in a good spot these same players will cry in a loud majority and it has never lasted long. However I can't tell you how long barb has been the clear superior class

Aug 01 2024

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