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Can I Use SQUIRE Kits To Beat GEARED PLAYERS? Dark and Darker

sageer2585: you just helped me understand how barbs are eating 4-5 longsword swings

seedcraftthree: "Nothing crazy" pulls legendary mace off his body

chickenbob562: a few wipes back when chain lightning hit a lot harder and had 3 charges, i was able to go solo crypts (when it was exclusively for trios) and camp on the "four rooms" module

i was climbing the ladder where the health shrine is, was sitting there waiting for a trio to come into this room, in best case someone trying to use health shrine

then chain lightning once, intense focus, again chain lightning

and most of time people were dead at that point, or the leftovers were easy enough to dispose of

it was a disgusting scummy rat move, but i was new to game at that time and it helped me get my stash value up A LOT

corgiswitch3833: so you're telling me i just have a skill issue?

KaimaiTinsnake: "Forgot to drop the swords I used to get high enough gearscore for highroller"

But you were in a normal game?

sperrex465: Rogue doesnt have enough damage - plays with no dmg perks and no rupture. Wizard not good against geared players - plays lvl 5 wizard with not bis perks and no spellbook. Overall good video tho, thanks

cookiemonster8711: Mfw you don't wear the cloak

affinity601: i heard if i drop a comment i get more content. is this true?

TheJollySoviet: BAARD!



Aug 12 2024

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