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Bard is a Literal Menace Dark and Darker

GringoChiviado777: Its confusing Barb with Bard time my doods

SkoomaDudeJude: Its survival bow time my doods

mosslizard: why didnt bro take the hell exit

arrilocknewmoon9620: I'm not going to lie to you Sparky, I've loved watching someone actually good at the game like you because you give me ideas that I rarely would try on my own. I dont know why I'd never consider using bows as a bard, but off I go to give it a shot!

Love the content, keep it rolling my man!

obinichitheblue6187: Sparky said. "You hurt, but I hurt more."

roscuro9838: Still weird to me that bards get access to bows but clerics don't even get a worthwhile ranged spell.

billistic4199: Its being a menace time my doods

jacksao3805: Mans is doding IRL

TragicXE: What was your movement speed

Jul 23 2024

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