Damood: Adding sash in thumbnail already is Meta AF!
thatgirlamelia8246: It’s great to know that when Lorr was born, he was given the “infinite soundboard” type of autism. Because holyshit the amount of times he’s put someone down like a sick dog is killing me.
Skorm.: The "shadow thing" Is from the old perk shadow runner that increased movement speed. They combined shadow runner and ambush a long time ago. You used to have to pick between movement speed buff from shadow runner or damage from ambush.
sleepypanda7718: every minute playing rogue lorr gets more evil
drippyfruit: "Why do people run marauders outfit" well, you get agility for a piece that costs MS so you almost fully delete the negative of the piece, just by wearing it purple or better. (I think blue gives -2 MS, purp -1, and legendary i think is flat MS no change but you get action speed from agi too)
This allows for you to maintain MS while running something like cloth pants instead of loose trousers, or a shadow hood instead of shadow mask or rogue cowl.
Rogue thrives on max MS, they give us really good tools to achieve that and still keep a lot of power intact, marauders outfit is one of the best pieces honestly bc chest reduces 3 MS or more in every other case. :) also marauders is probably the highest usable armor rating so getting armor rating without having to pay movement speed for it.. hope this makes sense!!
From a rogue main who doesn't really use marauders, but there are certainly kits for it.
Bondulous: I would love to see this build with a castillion dagger 3rd stab out of ambush for a oneshot. Castillion's 3rd swing has a 150% damage stab compared to the stiletto's 120%. If you come out of hide and purposefully miss the first two swings then stab someone in the head with the 3rd swing while ambush still procced, it'll do insane damage and maybe even insta-kill someone.
Dethykins: My biggest complaint this wipe is that there's too many damn players in the dungeons. Second complaint is that fighter and barb keep getting buffed when they need to be nerfed.
TangyGuest1: It's always the Druid you don't see coming...
Doxtun: I’m glad that I got featured as the singing Bear
DirkTheDaringDnD: You should do a true magical poison rogue build next
Dudeguy217: Why stiletto over rondel?
amizinggorge3354: Let’s freaking GOOOOOOO
Squall598: With this much physical power you would want weakpoint. Cutting through 60% armor, even if 40% doesn't include the phys reduction, would absolutely net you a huge amount of damage with that much power.
doncorleone5667: На самом деле среди всех днд ютуберов, самые интересные это ты и frowg
elijahvanmeeter5314: Yo great video love how you are playing new class
Shay-e5c: If Lorr perfects rogue like he has ranger its fucking over
TheMrDEgaming: Finally thelorr had succumbed to rogue!!!
Captain_Willlow: Damn a Lorr Rogue video, this can't be real.
cyrus_animations7010: with all that damage wouldn't you rather run weakpoint over rupture? 20 damage is good but if your 3-4 shotting most classes before rupture can fully proc on them, reducing pdr or even using cutthroat just seems better
gorbechev9973: Not the Druid third party at the end
TheGameneo: Lorr, when you gunna run warlock again? Very curious to see how you do with how popular druid and rogue is
rubsome: They should really remove continuous dungeon from GC lol it just doesn’t need it. It’s fine in inferno but I’d be okay with them completely removing it.
SantiunFTW: This kit sounds expensive af
jeremysmith4271: First like first comment. Huge lunch time drop
Jan 26 2025