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oh_bruceee: No lie, I think the buying process at the beginning is better for viewing as we know what gear and stats you have as you fight

user-km8ul7bp2p: Gear at the beginning is better I love seeing the kit process before the gameplay

Euthafro: opening sequence was sick, I can tell you've leveled up vs warlock. nice clutch vs barb too

MisterGrimTV: Use a longbow with that high of action speed when you are around 45% base action speed without drawback perk longbow starts to shoot faster than recurve due to the pause of getting a arrow from the quiver if that makes sense

ncarnut: I am so happy youre still pumping out content you have shifted to my favorite DaD creator, even if I am burnt out on playing the game watching you play scratches that itch!

ayyylma0: Action speed OUT THE WAZOO

the_last_ranger: I skip the gearing up part of ur vids 100 percent of the time so this is nice

joshfromxbox: First

UnderfundedScientist: I think open with a good kill to hook the audience, like 30 seoncds of a fights end , then go to buying, then the actual run

goan6995: He posted as I was going to bed and I got to wake up in 4 hours I literally checked discord and it popped up as closing it that he posted

MRSNDM8059: YO LORR i like watching you buy your gear. ahhhh you put it at the end i see lul i need more patience

May 14 2024

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