-Rexx-: I do this every day, except I dont get to hero
Isaax: That Repoze interaction was heartwarming, love that
SookieSpy: I raise your squire zero to hero series, with the prospect of the same thing but a duo challenge (with my dead-weight longsword wielding ass ofc).
Hecticol: Basically a very good investment of 50gs
djandrewification: Repoze a real one for that
100ManSlayer-Mord: 1 ticked the exit to lobby
Krytoxbost: That's the reason why you should wear rubysilver doublet! Darker Fashion!
howtosuck8274: nah i love your vids bro
noxy8763: I love ur vids ! Sadly im too bad at rougue so imma switch to panther druid instead.
MorbidlyArtistic: sick video, great content, monotone voice
Ligzenstauch: nice video tho 1 thing stick tho the rules instead of changing them 4 times in single challange
Carnados: Should i stack magical bonus for poison/ rupture?
southviewarab: When buying back gear from the Goblin Merchant, underneath the open slots with your items in it there is a "Select All" option, instead of clicking on each individual item back, I know it's petty but every little bit helps, thanks for the videos brother
Daxonix5: Its really fun to watch those underdog games, makes it more engaging when people are not playing all bis 20k gold kits killing everything on 2 hits. also makes for good combat like jumping around that fighter tickling him.
Sony-ny3xx: Loving your content
SpringHeeLJaK89: "You've gotta go the for the glory, you know?" ~ Ltsama 2025
uwuweeabo2725: ive been playing this whole wipe and ive NEVER seen players just dead not juiced
sogtisc23: you should do this but with fighter and longsword. I think the longsword is one of those weapons you can diff people with despite it being poor rarity.
Feb 23 2025