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50 Resourcefulness BACKSTEP Ranger Build! Dark and Darker

MrGodPowered: "the information is known, because you can see him in the lobby" feels a little targeted lmfao

knightsresttavern: Enjoy your run dude

yogoxrhino: lorr when your buying your weapons and searching random attributes make sure you also select "weapon damage" in the static attribute as well it will show you the base damage roll amount as well as the random attribute amount, so you can make sure your getting the highest damage rolls possible.

awskater5899: Your vids have therapeutic qualities. You and Dimo should do a team up sometime.

tokenoftrust: god DAMN you actually do work out what th hell

ReeTeeCee: have a nice run man

Rustypoo: I 100% thought at the end it was gonna cut to his dead body

Aug 15 2024

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