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50 DEX Barbarian is Absolutely INSANE Solo PvP Build Dark and Darker

haroldhamersma: lol this guy is a cheater guys. time to unsub

kingofBFH: next video: wallhacks and aimbots are EXTREMLY BROKEN

UristMcKnight: Cheater

spacepelimiesdandy344: Wilsonsgames was right...

DarkHavoc7: Pay attention the edits in the videos fellas, ESP 100%

flekzgaming4185: Cheater, get banned

dorianbrundage168: EHHH you're a HACKER!!!!!!!

recipets are out!

2010thurley: Day 81- Play Wizard!

Bobbytical: nice cheats bro

UristMcKnight: Dimo why do you keep deleting your comments? First you delete the comment you left on wilson's video and now the comment you pinned on this video.

sushorts5845: ngl saw your last video where you hit the chicken with the franny, that shit has to be some cheater shit right? cheers

Juuhjooh: Are YOU GUYS READY for some dark and darker drama arc?!?! Lets get dimo live react to wilsons video i cant wait

TheRealKinetic-q1t: Wilsongames exposed this guy watch his wideo

themanwiththeplane3371: Ur YouTube career is over lil bro

Aug 14 2024

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