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15 True Damage ICEFANG Druid Dark and Darker

Skinny_Pete_: Man really thinks he's the pokemon master

RedLemmonDnD: No way busters killing me with a drum :()

SoWhom: holy fucking flashbang at the end my degen goblin eyes almost shit the bed

Charlie-tq8cg: You cant cast tree of life on yourself you are correct

587ontop: seeing all the rogues and warlocks really shows the state of the game

snowywhistle2114: Magical healing on weapons is only active while it's held, so unless you plan on holding your staff for the full duration of your healing spells, all your staff's doing is slowing down your move speed and spell casting speed.

doorwayman: Man I checked your channel like an hour ago because I missed your content, good stuff man! LET'S GOOOOO!

lokifoki8071: A random company gives you youtubers money: this is sponsored by raid shadow legends.

Somebody país to watch a particular build: thanks for suggesting this video...

calebbailey4728: L Skinny Pete, W Lorr, the new king of Pokémon!!


(keep up the good work mrlorr, favorite content creator to chow down to)

Captain_Willlow: Take a shot evertime Lorr says, "W (thing)"

brettherbert9357: I need to see some melee sorc from you lorr

fentusage: daddy

odonah: most dark and darker youtubers: check out this build and pvp moments

thelorr: 15 true damage icefang druid | dark and darker

doctorgonzo7777: wait, how is this a rogues nightmare, when they can literally silence you with cutthroat and ruin your whole build

maybesujan: woah! never saw this build before neither the weapon ngl

marcussawyer4751: You know... you could run a duo with a fighter and use spell reflection to potentially blast Tree of Life back on your own face... i wonder if it actually works xD

BirdUpFR: goated clip at end

randy42000: Some fun variations to this build. High ms is fun, as is high pdr. U should try debuff/cooldown build where u can get back dream walk in 6 seconds.

WellDoneOnTheInternetEverybody: Silly Lorr, you have to use tree of life on your Ent for solos!

checkthisout7616: "can't fight casters" proceeds to completely counter casters because he heals so much and they don't have enough dps to kill him

AndrBR0: There's is the way to self cast tree of life on urself, but you need fighter with spell reflect

MoogleKnightt: Hi Lorr.

Question thats burning me...

If your staff has that Magical Healing Bonus and you cast a heal, Does the bonus stay even if you sheath the weapon?

greentext2345: No you can cast tree of life on Trent that's why its so worth.

MRSNDM8059: lorr saying he went cheap on his kit with 10 gk in his stash LMAO

willkopp9583: Should have brought spell mem 2 for stuff like vine wall and the root spell to deter runners

Feb 11 2025

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