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10k Gold PER GAME END WIPE JUICERS Dark and Darker

ElMartinAquino: ¡Gracias!

ElMartinAquino: you are the best ;)

2StrokeMichael: lol that’s what makes the game not fun the rogues that camp that one door the whole match

macca13245: @thelorr I saw you get that kill on the deathbloom live today that was sick

nantohoohken: The gear disparity between you and the wizard at the 13 min mark is infuriating.

How can a dog shit kit like that pump out that kind of damage plus being almost unchallengeable.

lorr had to play absolutely perfectly and barely squeezed out a win with 0.00001% hp.

Mom4ntik: I freaking loooove landmine rogue

jameswood1591: I just went in basically naked bard after taking a break and killed a PDR and MR ranger and sold the majority of the kit for 30k. solo 300 players are unironically less sweaty than 299 lobbies most of the time

Zak-jt6nk: Gotta get that frost skeleton skin 1 weapon damage for 3 ms is crazy on rogue slayer fighter and bard

soupyboi8339: 26 seconds ago this was posted.

May 29 2024

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