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105 Move Speed HOLDING A BOW God Tier Kit Dark and Darker

McOwenWilson: I like that I can watch thelorr get landmined and he doesn't start lecturing us about the problems with landmine rogues for five minutes. Class act, this guy. Great video!

Piercemxpx: Hey thelorr, you should cook about 50-100 merchandise items (hoodie, tshirt, something d&d related). Merch is a great money maker when you have a following of people that like who you are & what you stand for

princepurple837: Shooting an invisible wizard... I can see wilson games making a new video

jrod03x: i normally dont like creator clothing but thats a very clean design

ramisama88: we need to clarify now that every video got voice over else wilson might come at ya

Charlie-tq8cg: I feel like you often voice over your videos, thanks for the transparency on this one tho, doesn't effect the content just feels uncanny valley if not said outright. Thanks Lorr

tokenoftrust: I WANT A HOODIE

jamesmichaels-z7j: That hoodie is sick!

netspidercz: imagine commenting before even finishing the video ...

joshuakirby-so8xr: Yesss

acefej: @thelorr you could save yourself all the dragging of potions from your inventory to your belt if you just make the top left slot 1 where you keep your potions. All you have to do it right click and it automatically goes into that slot by default making it impossible to mess up and much quicker to swap prot potions, bandages, etc.

Aug 17 2024

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