voodooed01: instead of a sash they should give us a backpack that slows movespeed by 10 or something but allows us to carry more loot lol
NottDuque: Rogue
VanillaFrosty301: just take out creep for dagger mast?
emrc5085: looks cool, i`ll try same build, maybe "dagger-mastery" / "jokester" over "creep," cause "creep" doesn't work well against experienced players
shrkfmrdr: At what point does weakpoint become better?
Toniboy44: Can you show your stats? great vid
diegovittori1470: At that point you could play short sword right?
digitalempirellc6118: I watched enter the dragon die on so many videos last few days.
sylverleroy3533: yeaaah finally rooooogue
TheBiggestMacOfThemAll: W ima use this build
darkkurama5651: Jesus, where did this fella buy his drums from? they're op af
VALNARXXX: so where is the 100 dmg? was expecting some double crossbow action on ambush. Also very weird that crossbowshots dont get applied to ambush , test it on dummies.
damianek8813: Bro how to play rouge like that??!!
chirt7286: finally rooooooogue
MrTitanium247: PDR is useless against rogue. I can have 65% and 160hp and still die in 4 hits.
vaughnhough510: Bro Ive seen EnterTheDragon at least 5 times between this and one from someone else and hes always playing rat rogue
ThorVeras: yes nerf druid, a box win over entire class...
madmoleyj: Will tattoo you’re YouTube name or Dino on me for a golden key or skull key
Fantoohot: People got farmed
Ariees77: man i know rogue is gonna get nerfed ahah
dylanwysocki4406: Buff rogue
Jan 30 2025